When Do You Want To Start Cover From
Select the Date you are looking to Start this insurance from. You can change this, and set the Start Time, before going ahead with the policy.
Select the main reason for requiring a temporary policy.
Enter Vehicle Details
Select whether you want to enter vehicle registration number to get a quote.
Enter the Vehicle Registration Number, as known as 'number plate'. If the number is not found by our 'Find Vehicle' lookup tool, please double check you are not entering the letter 'O' or 'L' or 'I' instead of the number '0' or '1', or vice versa.
If you don't know the registration yet, you can get a quote based on the vehicle Make and Model information (click the red text below for this), but we will need the registration when you want to proceed with cover.
Unfortunately, we cannot cover vehicles that do not have a registration or are not yet showing on our registration lookup tool.
Enter the date you became the owner of the vehicle
Enter Driver Details
Enter the date you were born on.
Select the type of Driving Licence you hold.
We can only cover the licence types listed in the drop-down box.
If you hold a Provisonal Licence, you will need to select one of the 'Learner' related options in the 'Reason For Cover' question above.
Licence Country
Non-UK Residential Address
Do you live in UK
Please enter your UK Residential Post Code. We may require you to verify this at a later stage.
Select how long have you held your Driving Licence for.
For Full Licence holders, we cannot unfortunately offer cover for drivers with their licence held under 6 months.
For Provisional Licence holders, there is no minimum Licence Held period requirement.
Cover Details
Select how many hours/days you need cover for.
Safely Insured customers are entitled to Customer Benefits, which includes a Breakdown service through Call Assist at no extra cost to you - keeping our customers safe on the roads.
This is the maximum current market value the Insurer will accept.
Policy Excess is the amount you are required to pay towards any claim. Safely Insured customers are entitled to Customer Benefits, which includes a £250 Excess reimbursement for any non-recoverable excess following a valid claim. The Excess amount shown below is the Policy Excess amount remaining after the £250 has been reimbursed - so the amount you will be 'out of pocket' after a claim.